Hotel for Dogs

Posted by Jay Philips | Monday, January 19, 2009

When their new guardians forbid 16-year old Andi and her younger brother, Bruce to have a pet, Andi has to use her quick wit to help find a new home for their dog, Friday. The resourceful kids stumble upon an abandoned hotel and using Bruce's talents as a mechanical genius, transform it into a magical dog-paradise for Friday--and eventually for all Friday's friends. When barking dogs make the neighbors suspicious, Andi and Bruce use every invention they have to avoid anyone discovering "who let the dogs in."

This was a great family movie. This is a must see for anyone who has a dog. A movie made for the amusement of kids and a Saturday matinees and not a movie with adult humor disguised as a kid film. Was it deep in content? No. Was it fun and amusing? Absolutely. Made us feel like we should adopt a dog and/or a kid at the end.

bring your kids and family. Watch this movie, especially if you really love dogs.

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  1. Arie Wijaya January 21, 2009 at 2:37 AM  

    Awesome Blog you have and
    Today i have post the Best Golden Globes Award " Waltz with Basir" given the ongoing clashes between Israel and the Palestinians, can you give your comment (your experiences)in my blog , thank you so much

  2. Jay Philips February 2, 2009 at 2:56 AM  

    thanks for the comment arie! okay! i will.
